Monday, December 21, 2009

Slowly but Surely

I have taken a little break from planning our wedding until the holidays are over... I have still been writing down ideas and checking prices on things though! We still have 7 months until our wedding day so I have plenty of time still right?! I have had one major (OK well major to me) set back in my planning... I had my dress all picked out and was making payments on it and then my guilt got to me! We have been having some financial stresses since Dan lost his job and can't find another one that he can make as much money at yet... I decided to go get all of my money back from my dress to help with Christmas for the kids and family... I feel good about it but now the dress search is on again!! I am kind of strange or eccentric I like to say so as everyone knows I am not wanting the normal all white dress... I am hoping I find another one that is multi-colored that I love like the other one I found or that they still have that one after I get the money for it!! Well that is all for now... kind of boring but hey its something :)