Monday, March 29, 2010

Keepin' on Keepin' on

I have been in a MAJOR wedding planning mode the last week and a half!! I have gotten almost everything bought, ordered and either in the process of being made or made... I am starting to get excited that things are starting to come together and look AWESOME!!!!
Etsy is my new best friend... I have found everything on there other than the stuff I am making! I am excited to get a lot of the custom ordered stuff I got with our monogram and wedding date on it... I found a lady who is custom making a unity candle that is all damask print with our monogram, first initials and wedding date on it... our ring pillow, flower girl basket, pen/holder, and guest book are all custom as well with damask print with fuchsia ribbon... the guest book also has our monogram and wedding date... I am really loving there are women that make all these things so I don't have to LOL :)
I just got the garters I ordered today and I am glad I chose the ones I did! There was another one I was going to get that was $38 and then I found the two I got for $10 for both!!! Bargain shopper hehe :P
I got our fabric shipped to us the other day and I was a little nervous it wasn't going to look the same in person as it does on the photo on the website but it does and I love it so much... this is what I finally chose for our runners for the tables...

I had a lot of people tell me they loved it and others tell me they didn't like it as much as my other choices but in the end it is what Dan and I want right?! =D It is going to go really well with the centerpieces I made... We are going to put votive candles around the centerpieces with a round piece of tulle under them.
I need a little help deciding on what flower is going to go well with the gerber daisies I have used.... this is the one thing I am having a hard time with!
We are having cupcakes for dessert after our dinner and Ben is helping me make a cupcake tower for them... Everywhere I looked they either didn't hold as many cupcakes as I needed or they were ridiculously priced... even for the cardboard ones they were at least $35!!! I think it will turn out pretty cool!
Ben is also helping me make the arbor and cake stand so I can get what I want and know it will be well made... Yes I know it is weird my ex-husband is making things for my wedding but we actually get along pretty well so it is OK :)
While I was up in Logan this last week I got Hailey's dress plus the boys outfits... If only getting Tyler's dress was that easy haha!! We are just getting Dan a suit instead of renting a penguin suit and I just need to go pick up my dress...
Now all I have left is to finalize the food for our luncheon and I am pretty much done planning... WOOHOO!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Few Updates

We have decided to do some changes to our wedding to save money and our sanity LOL!! Thanks to a lot of people who are letting me borrow some linens and helping me with a few other things I know it will still be awesome!! =D
I have started making a few decorations and getting the material for the runners I am going to make so I am feeling like things are coming together finally... Below is the picture of the centerpieces for the tables... Like them? :)

We booked our 7 day cruise for our honeymoon/vacation... Mexican Riviera here we come! We are going in September with a few other people and it is going to be so much fun! Right after we get married in July Dan & I are just going to go on a weekend getaway somewhere closer to home and then have our big honeymoon in September to top things off :)
I am so excited that we only have 4 more months to go... time has gone fast and now the countdown begins... I hope I get everything done in time :)