Thursday, June 10, 2010

~ Busy Bees ~

Where to even begin! We have been so busy with life and wedding stuff I can hardly think about anything else lol... I am so close to having everything finished for the wedding! I have too many big things left to get but we will make it work... We got out engagements done two days ago and I absolutely love the ones I have seen!! I will post more when I get them tomorrow... My sister-in-law Leslie is an awesome photographer and we are lucky she took our pics for us... She is amazing!!! :)
I ordered my bouquet and all the other flowers from a lady on Etsy.... Etsy is my favorite right now!! :) The pic below is similar to what it will look like but when we get it we will be adding a few things to it... I couldn't see getting real flowers that would die and I couldn't keep and cherish... I love everything I have got so far!! :)

My nice ex-husband and yes I said nice haha is making me a cupcake tower like this one to show off our way cute cupcakes we will have as part of dessert after our wedding dinner... I am going to decoupage some of my damask scrapbook paper I got for the wedding on the center columns when I get it too! :)

There is so much more to post but I will write more when I get our engagements to put up!! :)

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