Friday, November 13, 2009

Finally some Decisions Made :)

We finally decided on having our wedding at the Mendon Station up in Cache Valley! I have always thought that Cache Valley is so pretty and its not just because I grew up there :) A lot of why we chose Mendon Station is for one price of course but also because it is not huge and has every thing we need all in one small space... It will also be cool because my baby brother Matt and his wife Jessie got married there too!
Now that I know where it is going to be I feel like I can finally move forward with making and planning stuff for the wedding. It was hard to start planning not knowing how many decorations and so on we needed but now we can YEAH!!! My only complaint I have is not having many people down here to help me make things and shop with :(
My sister-in-law Leslie is going to do our engagements and my bridals... I am so excited! She is going to do an amazing job... Leslie takes the cutest pictures and is learning all these cool techniques that I can't wait to see her use! Thanks Leslie for everything :)
One of my best friends Michelle is going to take the pictures at our wedding and "party"... I am so glad I met this woman! I have never met someone so inspiring and loving... I feel lucky to be in her life!
I know we have 8 months until our wedding but man will I need to the time... we have so many other things planned and going on in our life that it will be great to not feel a time crunch to get everything done. There are so many little things you don't realize you have to do to plan a wedding but it is exciting for sure! I am sure there will be more to come soon so check back often :)

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