Monday, December 21, 2009

Slowly but Surely

I have taken a little break from planning our wedding until the holidays are over... I have still been writing down ideas and checking prices on things though! We still have 7 months until our wedding day so I have plenty of time still right?! I have had one major (OK well major to me) set back in my planning... I had my dress all picked out and was making payments on it and then my guilt got to me! We have been having some financial stresses since Dan lost his job and can't find another one that he can make as much money at yet... I decided to go get all of my money back from my dress to help with Christmas for the kids and family... I feel good about it but now the dress search is on again!! I am kind of strange or eccentric I like to say so as everyone knows I am not wanting the normal all white dress... I am hoping I find another one that is multi-colored that I love like the other one I found or that they still have that one after I get the money for it!! Well that is all for now... kind of boring but hey its something :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Finally some Decisions Made :)

We finally decided on having our wedding at the Mendon Station up in Cache Valley! I have always thought that Cache Valley is so pretty and its not just because I grew up there :) A lot of why we chose Mendon Station is for one price of course but also because it is not huge and has every thing we need all in one small space... It will also be cool because my baby brother Matt and his wife Jessie got married there too!
Now that I know where it is going to be I feel like I can finally move forward with making and planning stuff for the wedding. It was hard to start planning not knowing how many decorations and so on we needed but now we can YEAH!!! My only complaint I have is not having many people down here to help me make things and shop with :(
My sister-in-law Leslie is going to do our engagements and my bridals... I am so excited! She is going to do an amazing job... Leslie takes the cutest pictures and is learning all these cool techniques that I can't wait to see her use! Thanks Leslie for everything :)
One of my best friends Michelle is going to take the pictures at our wedding and "party"... I am so glad I met this woman! I have never met someone so inspiring and loving... I feel lucky to be in her life!
I know we have 8 months until our wedding but man will I need to the time... we have so many other things planned and going on in our life that it will be great to not feel a time crunch to get everything done. There are so many little things you don't realize you have to do to plan a wedding but it is exciting for sure! I am sure there will be more to come soon so check back often :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trudging Along

I have decided the hardest part of planning our wedding is figuring out where to have it at! I have looked at SO many places and they all cost too much or don't have what we need for a smaller wedding... I wanted to try to have it in the Salt Lake Valley but now we are leaning more towards having it in Cache Valley where I am from... I am going to look into where my baby brother got married in Mendon... its called the Mendon Station! It is so cute and is big enough just to fit what we need and the amount of people we need!
I go to pick up my dress the before Thanksgiving and trying to figure out what to move onto next :) I already started designing our announcements and invitations and can't wait to get them printed off when I am done so I can see how they will look in the end! We are making the majority of the decorations and so I guess I better get started! Does anyone have any ideas for where to have the wedding?

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Dress

I got my dress last Friday and I absolutely love it! Tyler did not have school in Friday so we decided to take a trip down to Orem to go to David's Bridal. They were having a good sale so I thought it wouldn't hurt to check them out... I went to their booth at the Wedding Expo at Thanksgiving Point a few weekends ago and got a catalog so I had an idea of what I wanted... I am not one of those do what everyone else is doing people so a plain white wedding dress is out of the question for me! I tried on a few with ivory on them but did not like them :( I have decided almost all the dresses now days are strapless or make your boobs fall out in some way ha ha!!
I had picked two out that had color on them and they just happened to be the two I fell in love with and looked the best on me... I chose the second colored one I tried on and I am happy I did! It is white and the stuff that is embroidered is burgundy with pearls on it... it is strapless with a scalloped edge around it... I would put a picture up but I don't want Dan to see it :)
They were really helpful at David's Bridal and I am surprised at how big of a selection they have! Ty even found a dress she wants to wear but I think we will shop around for hers a bit... I asked Ty to be my Maid of Honor... I think she liked that idea!

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Inspiration

This is where I got the idea for using a damask pattern as part of our decorations. I am going to have the table runners made out of damask fabric, the ring pillow and make a basket with it on it for Hailey to carry since she will be our flower girl.
Our invitations have damask on them as well :)

I gave the chore of figuring out my cake to my sister just because she asked if she could do it. Crazy lady ha ha!! I am going to have it be square not circular and have some ribbon on it too... Just now how to do cool damask designs out of fondont is the question?

I am absolutely in love with this picture!!!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I am the biggest skull and crossbones freak ha ha.. I know I am strange... This picture has rubbed off on me so we decided to do one similar in my bridals but I will have some sort of skull and crossbones thing on me somewhere! You can roll your eyes I am used to it :)

In the beginning I wanted to have our colors as hot pink, lime green, black and white... Now Dan does not like the lime green idea so I was kind enough to change it to a burgandy color since red is his favorite color. Aren't I sweet he he! There will still be green in somethings so no problem :)
I have so many other things that have inspired me but we can save them for later!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Beginning

I decided to start a blog about us, our wedding planning, family and so on! This has been such a bumpy but awesome road to get us to this day and I can't wait for it to come!! I am sure I will have many posts soon but for now just be prepared and anticipate to laugh and roll your eyes when reading the posts to come :)